Monday, October 27, 2008

Ashamed to be a Journalist

Michael Malone, a longtime 4 generation journalist, has a refreshing column on the current demise of journalism It is very similar to the comment made in class today about the reporter who retired because of the Anna Nicole Smith coverage. Where have the basics of journalism gone? How can media outlets be trusted when they back political candidates. They can be trusted now only as PR for that candidate and the values that candidate holds. Why has pride led journalist to leave journalism behind? We need a great awakening in the media. Some lines need to be drawn and soon. Trust in news sources is declining. If we cannot be trusted to give the facts where will people go? What will they be told? Will it be true? It is not our job it is our obligation and responsibility. We as journalists cannot take that charge as a boost to our ego, but as a weight we must carry. When you think you've become objective, forget it buddy you're nobody I want to get news from.


Emily said...

I agree that lines need to be drawn, but by who and who is going to enforce them? I feel that the news is rapidly declining and no changes are being made for the better. I was talking to my brother in laws grandfather, who was a journalist, and he said that he is disgraced at the way that news is being covered. Change needs to happen, but how will the viewers and readers respond? It's a hard question to answer.

kmorrill said...

Since a lot of peole learn about candidates from what they read in the papers, I definitely think it's too much for the media to endorse candidates. The media has more power to influence that it realizes (or maybe they do realize it), and they need to be careful what they put in print.