Thursday, November 6, 2008

Watchdog to the Extreme! Politico 44

The website launched a new website at . The new website aims to cover the presidency of Barak Obama minute by minute. The website includes links to multiple stories surrounding the president-elect. It even includes a calendar with minute by minute updates as to what he is doing. In my opinion this is a beautiful resource for the media and public. Politico enages politcial analysts from all views to weigh in on the news of the day, and having a resource to gauge what our president does daily will be a wonderful way to keep government accoutable for its actions. I would love for every government official to have something similar. It may be viewed by some to be looking for mistakes and ways to jab at him, but as journalists aren't we supposed ot do all we can to make sure government does what it is suppsoed to? I do not condone witch hunts. I'll repeat myself, I do not condone witch hunts! I am of the firm belief that we should simply report the good and bad, and having close tabs like Politico 44 will enable everyone to do just that. As a public servant his time is our money, our lives, and our future. I want to praise him for his successes and hold him responsible for his failures, and get to know him as a person. Lastly, what do you think? Should we hold public servants to this level of scrutiny? Let me know and comment below!

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