Monday, December 8, 2008

Dead Trees Retaliate!

All of the trees that were mowed down for real estate developement and made into paper are rejoicing over the current economic crisis. The New York Times is reporting that Sacramento, Ca based McClatchy Co. is going to sell the Miami Herald Tribune

**On a side note I find it humerous that the Tribune is the source to go to about the New York Times going through its own economic scare.**

The Miami newspaper recieved most of its income from real estate advertisements and the bust in the housing market has sent those revenues through the floor. This has put a huge strain on the paper and we can expect to see a painful demise of this paper unless someone wityh a lot of faith and money comes to the rescue. This is the story of many newspapers aroudn the country. I know newspapers won't die because they can't. Newspapers have the footsoldiers that find the news that broadcasters use for their wraps. I just can't explain how newspapers will survive. I know they are trying the internet and cuttig costs (employees), but will that be enough? Can anyone out there ease my mind on the subject?

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